We were told to pray and tears round down my eyes, finally we had completed the B.Eng series but if not for God on our side where will we have been. As I tried praying memories of the past 5 years were playing like a movie. I remembered the celebrations after our last paper, I remembered when I was still writing my exams as an undergraduate. Omega semester was quite short and fast, the lectures, project runs, I still remember when this semester started when my friends and I took a long walk to the result board and I was not so happy, Easter break when we broke the rules and left the school premises and came back to face a whole lot of trouble, hmmmmm less I forget the heart breaks, the 50 first dates which we never completed but at least we are still on track.
Alpha semester 500 level when I finally asked my dream girl out....hmmmm dream girls are overrated, my 21st birthday, the swag we brought back from IT, Shiloh break hanging out with my twin from another mother, exams, 2weeks back in school, project supervisor escapades, hospitality room moments, library moments, hanging out at the back of chapel.
Then there was IT period when I thought my pay would be great and when I saw salary after even 4 weeks I was glad, my CCNA exams, galleria moments, lekki paroles, driving to and fro around Lagos, the oniru trips, house fellowship in church, the youth forum, all those days were great but are long gone this is a new era.
And there was once 400 alpha semester exams, of which I still have a mistake in one of my courses, our rush to get out of this school for It, our mini-project, it worked imagine that, got an A, my former relationship which was patchy after a breakup and then a comeback, when I tightened my relationship with the elect goons permit me to use that world, all those days were fun.
O how can we forget john hall days, the best hall I have ever been, you need to take a trip there and see for yourself even after the renovations how the hall is, I remember SIWES 1 when I had to limp because I destroyed my muscles during training, o when I thought I was in love, when I was sick she was there for me O those days, I think those were my best days in this school, when I asked her out, that was a great moment because I had murdered shyness, when I did not Know who to choose between both of them, I was in between both worlds, thank God for the right choice hope that was the right choice sha.
There was once SWEP period when we had our solo times together, midnight calls, the runs had just started, the decorating unit meetings, my introduction into the real school work, my induction into the elect family, C 400 peter hall days, D300 indomie room because I had to leave my kettle there, hmmmm how can I forget when I was left by for 45mimutes for another guy, those days of carrying last, o my floor mates, when I moved with the eco boys click Asha and BennyPo miss you guyz though those days were fun, thanks to you guys to all the funny gossips and all the ladies you introduced me to, before I forget CST dinner the only one I ever went for.
Wow five years ago 100 level, I was still a normal guy, thank God I was never razz, all credit to mayo’s bro, the freshest guy who brought us up in his ways, o those days of only black ties, jatalas were in bulk, my elder sister and all her friends took care of me like a baby, those days of booking seat before chapel service, going 6.30 am for an 8am class that was real focus, thank God for my efficiency, those expulsions, dressing outside peter hall for chapel service, being deceived to wear corporate for a meeting with whoever it was that they wasted the whole day, those public lectures of choppers landing on our field and in front of our chapel, btw what happened to all those choppers, standards have dropped, how can we forget Jan 27th 2006 the day of our matriculation, when we wore those colour riot gowns and silly caps wow another day of wearing this is coming soon, if only the colour combo of that gown made sense, anyway it’s just to wear and get out, but am happy this school passed through me and not just me passing through, how can I forget uncle Joe and his maths trick.
Once upon a time October 17th we resumed after seeing WAEC results, after leaving the previous world of secondary school, how can I forget writing CUSAT exam gosh that physics was hard, CST was enormous, cafeteria was miles away that day................all these ran through my mind with tears rolling down my cheeks but all praise to God because he was the one who saw us thus far.
N.B No proof reading
congrats Engr!!! great delivery!